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OTP 設計原則 (OTP Design Principles)



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  1. 概要(Overview)
    1. Supervision Trees
    2. Behaviours
    3. Applications
    4. Releases
    5. Release Handling

  1. Gen_Server Behaviour
    1. Client-Server Principles
    2. Example
    3. Starting a Gen_Server
    4. Synchronous Requests - Call
    5. Asynchronous Requests - Cast
    6. Stopping
    7. Handling Other Messages

  1. Gen_Fsm Behaviour
    1. Finite State Machines
    2. Example
    3. Starting a Gen_Fsm
    4. Notifying About Events
    5. Timeouts
    6. All State Events
    7. Stopping
    8. Handling Other Messages

  1. Gen_Event Behaviour
    1. Event Handling Principles
    2. Example
    3. Starting an Event Manager
    4. Adding an Event Handler
    5. Notifying About Events
    6. Deleting an Event Handler
    7. Stopping

  1. Supervisor Behaviour
    1. Supervision Principles
    2. Example
    3. Restart Strategy
    4. Maximum Restart Frequency
    5. Child Specification
    6. Starting a Supervisor
    7. Adding a Child Process
    8. Stopping a Child Process
    9. Simple-One-For-One Supervisors
    10. Stopping

  1. Sys and Proc_Lib
    1. Simple Debugging
    2. Special Processes
    3. User-Defined Behaviours

  1. Applications
    1. Application Concept
    2. Application Callback Module
    3. Application Resource File
    4. Directory Structure
    5. Application Controller
    6. Loading and Unloading Applications
    7. Starting and Stopping Applications
    8. Configuring an Application
    9. Application Start Types

  1. Included Applications
    1. Definition
    2. Specifying Included Applications
    3. Synchronizing Processes During Startup

  1. Distributed Applications
    1. Definition
    2. Specifying Distributed Applications
    3. Starting and Stopping Distributed Applications
    4. Failover
    5. Takeover

  1. Releases
    1. Release Concept
    2. Release Resource File
    3. Generating Boot Scripts
    4. Creating a Release Package
    5. Directory Structure

  1. Release Handling
    1. Release Handling Principles
    2. Requirements
    3. Distributed Systems
    4. Release Handling Instructions
    5. Application Upgrade File
    6. Release Upgrade File
    7. Installing a Release
    8. Updating Application Specifications

  1. Appup Cookbook
    1. Changing a Functional Module
    2. Changing a Residence Module
    3. Changing a Callback Module
    4. Changing Internal State
    5. Module Dependencies
    6. Changing Code For a Special Process
    7. Changing a Supervisor
    8. Adding or Deleting a Module
    9. Starting or Terminating a Process
    10. Adding or Removing an Application
    11. Restarting an Application
    12. Changing an Application Specification
    13. Changing Application Configuration
    14. Changing Included Applications
    15. Changing Non-Erlang Code
    16. Emulator Restart


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