erlang @ Wiki

基本的な使い方・構文 (Getting Started)



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だれでも歓迎! 編集
  1. イントロダクション(Introduction)
    1. Introduction
    2. Things Left Out
  2. (Sequential Programming)
    1. The Erlang Shell
    2. Modules and Functions
    3. Atoms
    4. Tuples
    5. Lists
    6. Standard Modules and Manual Pages
    7. Writing Output to a Terminal
    8. A Larger Example
    9. Matching, Guards and Scope of Variables
    10. More About Lists
    11. If and Case
    12. Built In Functions (BIFs)
    13. Higher Order Functions (Funs)
  3. (Concurrent Programming)
    1. Processes
    2. Message Passing
    3. Registered Process Names
    4. Distributed Programming
    5. A Larger Example
  4. (Robustness)
    1. Timeouts
    2. Error Handling
    3. The Larger Example with Robustness Added
  5. レコードとマクロ(Records and Macros)
    1. The Larger Example Divided into Several Files
    2. Header Files
    3. Records
    4. Macros


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