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Erlnag リファレンスマニュアル (Erlang Reference Manual)



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だれでも歓迎! 編集
  1. イントロダクション(Introduction)
    1. Purpose
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Document Conventions
    4. Complete List of BIFs
    5. Reserved Words
    6. Character Set
  2. データ・型(Data Types)
    1. Terms
    2. Number
    3. Atom
    4. Binary
    5. Reference
    6. Fun
    7. Port Identifier
    8. Pid
    9. Tuple
    10. List
    11. String
    12. Record
    13. Boolean
    14. Escape Sequences
    15. Type Conversions
  3. パターンマッチング(Pattern Matching)
    1. Pattern Matching
  4. モジュール(Modules)
    1. Module Syntax
    2. Module Attributes
  5. 関数(Functions)
    1. Function Declaration Syntax
    2. Function Evaluation
    3. Tail recursion
    4. Built-In Functions, BIFs
  6. (Expressions)
    1. Expression Evaluation
    2. Terms
    3. Variables
    4. Patterns
    5. Match
    6. Function Calls
    7. If
    8. Case
    9. Send
    10. Receive
    11. Term Comparisons
    12. Arithmetic Expressions
    13. Boolean Expressions
    14. Short-Circuit Boolean Expressions
    15. List Operations
    16. Bit Syntax Expressions
    17. Fun Expressions
    18. Catch and Throw
    19. Try
    20. Parenthesized Expressions
    21. Block Expressions
    22. List Comprehensions
    23. Guard Sequences
    24. Operator Precedence
  7. マクロ(Macros)
    1. Defining and Using Macros
    2. Predefined Macros
    3. Flow Control in Macros
    4. Stringifying Macro Arguments
  8. レコード(Records)
    1. Defining Records
    2. Creating Records
    3. Accessing Record Fields
    4. Updating Records
    5. Records in Guards
    6. Records in Patterns
    7. Internal Representation of Records
  9. エラーとエラーハンドリング(Errors and Error Handling)
    1. Terminology
    2. Exceptions
    3. Handling of Run-Time Errors in Erlang
    4. Exit Reasons
  10. プロセス(Processes)
    1. Processes
    2. Process Creation
    3. Registered Processes
    4. Process Termination
    5. Message Sending
    6. Links
    7. Error Handling
    8. Monitors
    9. Process Dictionary
  11. (Distributed Erlang)
    1. Distributed Erlang System
    2. Nodes
    3. Node Connections
    4. epmd
    5. Hidden Nodes
    6. C Nodes
    7. Security
    8. Distribution BIFs
    9. Distribution Command Line Flags
    10. Distribution Modules
  12. (Compilation and Code Loading)
    1. Compilation
    2. Code Loading
    3. Code Replacement
  13. (Ports and Port Drivers)
    1. Ports
    2. Port Drivers
    3. Port BIFs


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