
powerspectol」(2009/03/23 (月) 01:43:18) の最新版変更点



//cpp /** * Powerspectol calculation * @author maeda * @date 2008/09/01 */ #include "powerspectol.h" #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include "math.h" /** * get the log scaled powerspectol of the signal and normalize it to 0-1 range * @param in input data ( frequency domain ) * @param out output data ( frequency domain ) * @param cols ( width ) * @param rows ( height ) * @return true if succeed * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (1) get the log scaled powerspectol : log(1 + sqrt(re*re + im*im)) * (2) normalize */ int maGetPowerSpectol2D( fftw_complex *in, double *out, int cols, int rows ) { int i,j; int idx; // index of data double max, min, scale; // max/min of powerspectol if( in==NULL || out==NULL ) return false; if( rows<0 || cols<0 ) return false; // (1) get the log scaled powerspectol : log(1 + sqrt(re*re + im*im)) // ( powerspectol is defined re*re + im*im ) // this is equal or greater than 0 for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; out[idx] = log10( 1 + sqrt(pow(in[idx][0],2) + pow(in[idx][1],2)) ); } } // (2) normalization // (2-1) get the maximum and minimum max = min = out[0]; for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; if( out[idx]>max ) max = out[idx]; if( out[idx]<min ) min = out[idx]; } } // (2-2) normalize scale = 1./(max-min); for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; out[idx] = ( out[idx] - min ) * scale; } } return true; }
//cpp /** * Powerspectol calculation * @author maeda * @date 2008/09/01 */ #include "powerspectol.h" #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include "math.h" /** * get the log scaled powerspectol of the signal and normalize it to 0-1 range * @param in input data ( frequency domain ) * @param out output data ( frequency domain ) * @param cols ( width ) * @param rows ( height ) * @return true if succeed * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (1) get the log scaled powerspectol : log(1 + sqrt(re*re + im*im)) * (2) normalize */ int maGetPowerSpectol2D( fftw_complex *in, double *out, int cols, int rows ) { int i,j; int idx; // index of data double max, min, scale; // max/min of powerspectol if( in==NULL || out==NULL ) return false; if( rows<0 || cols<0 ) return false; // (1) get the log scaled powerspectol : log(1 + sqrt(re*re + im*im)) // ( powerspectol is defined as re*re + im*im ) // this is equal or greater than 0 for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; out[idx] = log10( 1 + sqrt(pow(in[idx][0],2) + pow(in[idx][1],2)) ); } } // (2) normalization // (2-1) get the maximum and minimum max = min = out[0]; for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; if( out[idx]>max ) max = out[idx]; if( out[idx]<min ) min = out[idx]; } } // (2-2) normalize scale = 1./(max-min); for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ){ idx = j*cols + i; out[idx] = ( out[idx] - min ) * scale; } } return true; }

