
fftw2D」(2008/09/23 (火) 23:54:39) の最新版変更点



//cpp /* * test of self compiled fftw3 * 2D version * @author maeda * @date 2008/09/09 */ #include <stdio.h> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <math.h> #include "fftw3.h" #pragma comment( lib, "fftw3.lib" ) #define SIZEX 16 #define SIZEY 8 #define SIZE (SIZEX*SIZEY) int main( void ){ fftw_complex *in = NULL; fftw_complex *out = NULL; fftw_plan p; int i,j,idx; size_t mem_size = sizeof(fftw_complex) * SIZE; in = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc( mem_size ); out = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc( mem_size ); if( !in || !out ){ fprintf( stderr, "failed to allocate %d[byte] memory(-.-)\n", (int)mem_size ); return false; } // !! row-major alignment is recommended, but here, column-major. p = fftw_plan_dft_2d( SIZEY, SIZEX, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE ); // input data creation printf("----- INPUT -----\n"); for( j=0; j<SIZEY; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<SIZEX; i++ ){ idx = SIZEX*j+i; // column-major alignment in[idx][0] = 1 + 2*sin(2*M_PI*i/SIZEX) + sin(4*M_PI*j/SIZEY); in[idx][1] = 0; printf("%d %d %lf %lf\n", i, j, in[idx][0], in[idx][1] ); } } fftw_execute(p); // output is DC exchanged and scaled. double scale = 1. / SIZE; printf("\n----- RESULT -----\n"); for( j=0; j<SIZEY; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<SIZEX; i++ ){ idx = SIZEX*j+i; printf("%d %d %lf %lf\n", i, j, out[idx][0]*scale, out[idx][1]*scale ); } } fftw_destroy_plan(p); if( in ) fftw_free(in); if( out ) fftw_free(out); return true; }
//cpp /* * test of self compiled fftw3 * 2D version * @author maeda * @date 2008/09/09 */ #include <stdio.h> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <math.h> #include "fftw3.h" #pragma comment( lib, "fftw3.lib" ) #define SIZEX 16 #define SIZEY 8 #define SIZE (SIZEX*SIZEY) int main( void ){ fftw_complex *in = NULL; fftw_complex *out = NULL; fftw_plan p = NULL; int i,j,idx; size_t mem_size = sizeof(fftw_complex) * SIZE; in = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc( mem_size ); out = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc( mem_size ); if( !in || !out ){ fprintf( stderr, "failed to allocate %d[byte] memory(-.-)\n", (int)mem_size ); return false; } // !! row-major alignment is recommended, but here, column-major. p = fftw_plan_dft_2d( SIZEY, SIZEX, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE ); // input data creation printf("----- INPUT -----\n"); for( j=0; j<SIZEY; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<SIZEX; i++ ){ idx = SIZEX*j+i; // column-major alignment in[idx][0] = 1 + 2*sin(2*M_PI*i/SIZEX) + sin(4*M_PI*j/SIZEY); in[idx][1] = 0; printf("%d %d %lf %lf\n", i, j, in[idx][0], in[idx][1] ); } } fftw_execute(p); // output is DC exchanged and scaled. double scale = 1. / SIZE; printf("\n----- RESULT -----\n"); for( j=0; j<SIZEY; j++ ){ for( i=0; i<SIZEX; i++ ){ idx = SIZEX*j+i; printf("%d %d %lf %lf\n", i, j, out[idx][0]*scale, out[idx][1]*scale ); } } if( p ) fftw_destroy_plan(p); if( in ) fftw_free(in); if( out ) fftw_free(out); return true; }

